1. Java Modules (JPMS) with Vaadin

    February 2, 2020

    With the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) now being out for a while, a question that you might be asking yourself is: "Can Vaadin be used to make a UI for a modular application?".

  2. Offline applications with Vaadin 15

    December 16, 2019

    Vaadin 15 handles bootstrapping and routing on the client side. This enables something which was not easy with Vaadin 14: creating offline apps.

    To demonstrate this, we created a small mortgage calculator.

  3. Client side views in Vaadin 15 applications

    December 10, 2019

    Vaadin 15 handles routing mainly on the client side and only delegates to the server for server side routes. Why? So we can add client side views easily.

  4. Real-time collaboration w/ zero installs using the Native File System API

    November 11, 2019

    The Native File System API allows the browser to access files on your local filesystem in a secure and controlled manner. This opens up new possibilities, allowing web applications to interact with your files beyond the traditional upload/download cycle. This is for instance useful if you need to read/write files multiple times, and especially if multiple files are being accessed; no zip needed.

  5. Micro Frontend in Java

    October 28, 2019

    Micro frontends is an architectural idea where you apply ideas from micro services to the frontend or UI code. The aim is to split the application into many separate parts, which can evolve and be managed individually. The split is done based on user facing features of the site instead of the traditional way of splitting based on technical skills (frontend vs backend). Each part is as stand-alone as possible and covers the full stack from the UI in the browser to the database on the server. This makes it possible for separate teams to own separate parts without constantly stepping on each others' toes.

  6. Lit Templates

    August 25, 2019
    Update 4 Sep 2019: The example shows how to use Lit with current Vaadin 14 LTS. This means that you can use this approach right now, if you wish.
  7. Vaadin CLI

    May 2, 2019

    A Command Line Interface (CLI) for creating new Vaadin projects.

  8. Vaadin Connect

    March 15, 2019

    An experiment with a secure stateless communication framework with built-in authentication and authorization support. An easy way to integrate a Java backend into a frontend application. Has a first-class support for TypeScript, and allows end-to-end type checking across the full stack.