Tree component

April 7, 2019

Many developers in the Vaadin community have requested a Tree component for Vaadin Flow. The component is not on the short list for upcoming releases, because there is an easy workaround: a TreeGrid with one column. The purpose of this tutorial is to make it even more straightforward by providing a reference code to use for your Tree component.

Show me the code

The code provides a shortcut to get a Tree functionality, by reducing a TreeGrid to one column.

class Tree<T> extends TreeGrid<T> {

public Tree(ValueProvider<T, ?> valueProvider) {

Exactly, it’s as simple as this code. However, since it is a Grid under the hood, some coding mistakes can happen. I leave it up to you to decide to disable other methods like setColumn, setColumns, addColumn, ..etc.

How it works

In a typical Grid, we define each column by a specific value provider. In our case with Tree and only one column, we ask the developer to pass the value provider of that single column in the constructor, and it has to be one of the members of the generic bean T that is getting used in the class declaration.

We don’t need to set a column header nor a caption since this is not a general use case for a Tree component. We set the given value provider as the first and only column, and make it hierarchical.

Example usage

Here is a sample code showing how to use the new Tree component:

Tree<Person> tree = new Tree<>(Person::getFullname);
tree.setItems(persons, person -> {
if(person.hasLevel()) {
return person.getLevel().getItems();
}else {
return Collections.emptyList();


In the example above, the Tree displays the full name of all persons, and if a person has a hierarchy, then it adds it as a sub-level.

Tree Component

What other features do you want to have in a Tree component? Let us know in the comments section below.

Source code on GitHub.


This project is experimental and you probably should not use it in production application. Vaadin does not give any warranty, support or guarantees of applicability, usefulness, availability, security, functionality, performance etc.