Labs | Vaadin

Flow Project Wizard

Written by Artur Signell | November 1, 2018
The Wizard has graduated!

The Flow Project Wizard has graduated from Labs, and is no longer an active experiment.
The experiment was very encouraging, and insight gained from the Labs experiment has helped forming a backlog as well as defining the scope for the initial production version. It will become part of a completely revised project start experience.

You can try the “qualified wizard” directly at
A feedback link can be found in the top right.

A big Thank You to everyone participating and giving feedback on the experimental prototype here in Labs, it has been immensely valuable!

See you in the next experiment!

An experimental new way of starting a project. Instead of downloading a starter with a predefined UI, you can customize your UI to match the app you are creating. Define the views you want for your application based on predefine templates and setup routing in a browser based UI. Use the live preview to see what your application will look like before downloading the production ready project to your IDE.